Sunday, March 15, 2009

Perth trip

We flew over for 6 days to visit Eileen and Craig - we were looked after and didn't even have to build and paint rooms! thanks you two! 
We had a beaut holiday, browsed around Fremantle and cruised up the Swan to Perth city.
Had a wonderful day looking at the majestic trees of the south west. Went to Pemberton to climb the huge Karri called The Gloucester Tree and on to Walpole-Nornalup National Park to the Valley of the Giants! 
Walked the treetop walk through the whopping Red Tingle trees - a fantastic day! Well worth the 900km round trip - thanks to Craig for nearly all of the driving!

The house is coming along great, kitchen and bathroom all done. It'll be a winner when all finished. 

Christmas 08

My best Christmas present this year was a phone call and email from Cassandra! 

Liz and Mateus helped with the mango crop which was greatly appreciated. Mum only dropped these two for the whole season...
That was our lychee crop in total, other than what the birds ate, which wasn't much this year as most others were small under-filled fruit.
And the wifi shirt from Mars and Kerstin is a beauty - lights up more bars as you get closer to the AP.