Well I gave it a try on your old skates k and it was great for a while - until I noticed bits of black rubber on the slab as I was skating around, and realised they were from my wheels! I kept going but they kept disintegrating and I had to go round and pick up all the bits of rubber afterwards. Still it was fun to imagine I was on an ice skating rink.
haha, that's what i was thinking!
you can pretend you're in canada
the ice is like that at the moment
in our 'front yard'
Well I gave it a try on your old skates k and it was great for a while - until I noticed bits of black rubber on the slab as I was skating around, and realised they were from my wheels! I kept going but they kept disintegrating and I had to go round and pick up all the bits of rubber afterwards. Still it was fun to imagine I was on an ice skating rink.
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